Committees, Boards & Commissions


Planning Commission

Members: in transition

Meets first Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm in City Hall.

Community Forest Commission

Chairman: Mike Smeltz

Forest Commissioner: Don Hamann

Parks & Recreation: Chairman Mike Smeltz & Mayor Trish Callahan

Economic Development: Comissioner Dr. Christine Gleason

Forest Garden: Don Hamann

Education & Research: Ben DeCarlo

Marketing & Communication: Nate Bailey

Special Projects:

Archery Course: Nate Bailey

Railroad: Mayor Trish Callahan

Meets first Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm in Superintendent’s Office meeting room.

Read the ordinance regarding Commission powers and duties and outlining the procedures to be followed here.

Budget Committee

Members: Cathy Garote, City Council members

Meets annually in June.

economic development committee

Members: Dr. Christine Gleason; Cory Hamann; Bill Risser; Marissa Rogers; Mayor Trish Callahan; Jason Schneider; SOREDI.

Meets the last Monday of the month at 5:30pm in City Hall; Call 541-865-3262 in advance to participate remotely.