Town of Butte Falls Ordinances

 This index to ordinances of the Town of Butte Falls is current as of January 26, 2024. As time allows, dates will be applied to each ordinance and links to the full text will be added.

Note: Ordinances highlighted in a lighter color have a full-text PDF available. Simply click on the ordinance title to open and read the document.

To search for an ordinance by content start by pressing the ctrl key + f at the same time on the keyboard to pull up the search bar. Then type in a keyword you’d like to search for.

Ex: If you’re looking for an ordinance on city zoning you can type “zoning” and scroll through the highlighted results.

Ordinance #3:

An ordinance regulating traffic on the streets and public ways of the Town of Butte Falls, providing penalties for the violation for the violations, hereof and declaring an emergency.

Ordinance #9:

An ordinance prohibiting the riding of bicycles, tricycles, or tandems on any of the sidewalks of the Town of Butte Falls.

Ordinance #10:

An ordinance prohibiting riding or driving on the sidewalks of the Town of Butte Falls.

Ordinance #30:

An ordinance prohibiting disorderly conduct in Butte Falls.

Ordinance #31

An ordinance prohibiting the harassment and abuse of venerated objects.

Ordinance #32:

An ordinance prohibiting the carrying of weapons into and upon school or business property.

Ordinance #35:

An ordinance regulating, defining, licensing solicitors, canvassers, and peddlers and providing penalties for the violation  thereof and declaring an emergency.

Ordinance #47:

An ordinance declaring it unlawful to destroy or remove any posted documents without the permission of the town council.

Ordinance #48:

An ordinance declaring it illegal to drive vehicles across certain walks in the Town of Butte Falls.

Ordinances #71a:

An ordinance to repeal Ordinance #71 and establishing a Siting for RV's.

Ordinance #80.3:

An ordinance regulating litter.

Ordinance #88:

An ordinance prohibiting the firing of firearms in the Town of Butte Falls.

Ordinance #101:

An ordinance for the Right of Interment in the Butte Falls Cemetery and providing for the opening and closing of the grave.

Ordinance #122:

An ordinance restricting the use of the streets for the repair of motor vehicles; restricting repair, dismantling and storage of certain motor vehicles within the public view; and declaring an emergency.

Ordinance #134:

An ordinance to amend or repeal ordinances or resolutions in conflict herewith and for the adoption of rules, procedures and charges for the water system of the Town of Butte Falls, Jackson County, Oregon; prescribing the duties of Town Recorder; and establishing water rental fees and penalties.

Ordinance #150.3:

An amendment to the Planning Commission ordinance to re-place Section 20 and add Section 21.

Ordinance #173-B

Police and Fire Guidelines and Rules for Contracts and Agreements.

Ordinance #184.5:

An ordinance that regulates the sewer connection, requiring application and fees thereof, establishing user charges and providing penalty for the violation thereof. 

Ordinance #203:

City Zoning.

Ordinance #203.8:

An ordinance providing information on fence zoning.

Ordinance #204:

An amendment to the Town of Butte Falls Subdivision Ordinance #204.

Ordinance #229:

An ordinance providing for a conditional use permit for revenue purposes of business activities within the Town of Butte Falls, Oregon.

Ordinance #232:

An ordinance regulating alcoholic beverages within the town park and public places.

Ordinance #248.A-6:

An ordinance prohibiting the running at large of dogs and bitches within the Town of Butte Falls; providing for the impounding of such animals in violation of this ordinance; providing for the disposition thereof and providing a penalty for the violation of this ordinance.

Ordinance #259:

An ordinance establishing a curfew for minors under the age of eighteen (18) years and younger, for the Town of Butte Falls, repealing Ordinance #33 & #36.

Ordinance #260:

An ordinance establishing the authority for vehicle towing and impounds for driving without insurance and/or driving while suspended and/or driving under the influence of intoxicants.  This ordinance repeals Ordinance #246.

Ordinance #261:

An ordinance that defines nuisances, providing for their abatement, and providing pentalties and repealing ordinances.

Ordinance #263.B:

An ordinance to establish burning regulations and fire prevention regulations for the Town of Butte Falls.

Ordinance #265:

An ordinance providing for the declaration of emergencies and specifying emergency management procedures; declaring an emergency.

Ordinance #273:

An ordinance to adopt DEQ requirements for the water/sewer plant operations.

Ordinance #275:

An ordinance to establish rules and regulations for the Recycle Center. 

Ordinance #276:

An ordinance to adopt an Employees Manual for all employees and repealing all previous manuals.

Ordinance #280:

An ordinance establishing a violation procedure for city ordinances, traffic violations, and establishing fines.

Ordinance #282:

An ordinance establishing a police department, police department structure, police department chain of command, uniform regulations and pay scale for the Town of Butte Falls.

Ordinance #283:

An ordinance to establish rules and procedures for meetings, vacancies, voting, ordinances and resolutions.

Ordinance #288:

An ordinance to establish annual fees for the emergency communications system (SORC) for police and fire.

Ordinance #290:

An ordinance establishing rules and regulations for noise inside town limits.

Ordinance #291:

An ordinance establishing rules and regulations for abatement of dangerous building.

Ordinance #294:

An ordinance establishing rules and regulations for slow moving vehicles within Butte Falls.

Ordinance #297:

An ordinance to establish a Disaster Recovery Budget Line item of 08/09.

Ordinance #298:

An ordinance to turn the financial operations of the town over to the budget committee and declaring an emergency.

Ordinance #299:

An ordinance to address the issue of mailboxes on city streets.

Ordinance #306:

An ordinance designating the town council's intention to permit recreational use town owned parks.

Ordinance #307:

An ordinance to adopt an agreement with Ginger Springs Bottling, Inc.

Ordinance #308:

An ordinance adopting the ORS definitions of theft of services.

Ordinance #309:

An ordinance establishing a policy for the use of a Town automobile.

Ordinance #310:

An ordinance establishing an employee code of ethics and conflict of interest policy.

Ordinance #319:

An ordinance adopting Resolution #500 as Ordinance #319 – Public Records.

Ordinance #321:

An ordinance regulating basketball hoops.

Ordinance #324:  

An ordinance establishing a recreation committee – BF Active Club.

Ordinance #326:

An ordinance establishing a Town Road Authority.

Ordinance #330:

An ordinance establishing an administrative fee and process for uninsured, unlicensed motorist and vehicles.

Ordinance #333:

Total Mass Daily Load (TMDL)

Ordinance #335:

Dispensary Free Zone

Ordinance #337:

Tax on Sale of Marijuana

Ordinance #338:


Ordinance #340:

Fireworks inside town limits

Ordinance #342:

Establishing a Community Forest.

Ordinance #344:

Land Acquisition for Community Forest.

Ordinance #345:

Community Forest Funds

Ordinance #346:

Street Tree Ordinance

Ordinance #348:

Drug Free Zone

Ordinance #349

Camping- rules and regulation for camping on city property or improved real property.